Our Program . . .
FNC believes that the foundation of any healthy community is a healthy family. As such, our vision is to be a driving force for building healthy communities through supporting the development of healthy families through our Parent Empower Program (PEP). curricula to educate the participants: Parent Project and Loving Solutions, which is a Best Practice Curriculum out of California with modifications to include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness, child abuse awareness, effects of bullying, financial management, and nutrition/healthy eating. The curricula are structured into twelve weekly sessions that cover topics concerning, ages and stages of child development, effects of abuse (physical, sexual, and verbal), parent-child communication, drug awareness, garnering school support, building positive self concepts, impact of bullying, post-traumatic stress disorder awareness, and promoting a family unit. Parents are able to share their experiences in a safe caring environment. Community-based social service referrals are made when appropriate. In addition, workshops on child abuse awareness, nutrition and healthy eating, financial management, and first time home buyers information is presented by Joseph J. Peters, Penn State Community Outreach, and Clarifi. The final session is devoted to soliciting feedback from the parents and conducting a group discussion of next steps with a focus on how newly acquired knowledge will be applied to their day-to-day parenting practices.
FNC targets three priority populations for PEP. They are:
FNC believes that the foundation of any healthy community is a healthy family. As such, our vision is to be a driving force for building healthy communities through supporting the development of healthy families through our Parent Empower Program (PEP). curricula to educate the participants: Parent Project and Loving Solutions, which is a Best Practice Curriculum out of California with modifications to include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness, child abuse awareness, effects of bullying, financial management, and nutrition/healthy eating. The curricula are structured into twelve weekly sessions that cover topics concerning, ages and stages of child development, effects of abuse (physical, sexual, and verbal), parent-child communication, drug awareness, garnering school support, building positive self concepts, impact of bullying, post-traumatic stress disorder awareness, and promoting a family unit. Parents are able to share their experiences in a safe caring environment. Community-based social service referrals are made when appropriate. In addition, workshops on child abuse awareness, nutrition and healthy eating, financial management, and first time home buyers information is presented by Joseph J. Peters, Penn State Community Outreach, and Clarifi. The final session is devoted to soliciting feedback from the parents and conducting a group discussion of next steps with a focus on how newly acquired knowledge will be applied to their day-to-day parenting practices.
FNC targets three priority populations for PEP. They are:
- Parents at the end stage of reunification/permanency process who are actively seeking to regain custody of their children (Within this population cluster, the Federation also convenes a separate group for fathers).
- Parents/caregivers, including teens, who are facing homelessness, former substance abusers, and/or recently released from incarceration with children in kinship/foster care, child protection, or involved in the juvenile justice system, including delinquent, truant and/or informally adjudicated youth.
- Parents/caregivers seeking knowledge of effective child rearing practices.
Our Impact . . .
Since the inception of the program in 2000, more than 1,300 caregivers have participated in the program.
The success of the program is reflected in the following outcomes since its inception:
Since the inception of the program in 2000, more than 1,300 caregivers have participated in the program.
The success of the program is reflected in the following outcomes since its inception:
- 94% of the parents increased their understanding of the ages and stages of child development.
- 96% of the parents increased their knowledge about the impact of abuse and neglect on the development of children.
- 98% of the parents improved their ability to identify, express, process and manage their feelings.
- 97% of the parents demonstrated increased awareness and understanding of positive parenting practices with respect to discipline, resolving conflicts, solving problems, and creating a structured environment for their children.
- 98% of the parents increased their knowledge of nurturing and responsive parenting interactions (including empathy, caring and respect for self and others).
- 95% of the families demonstrated improved parent-child interactions.
- 98% of the parents expressed high level of satisfaction with PEP.
- Good Attitude, Better Learning about my grandson
- Very informative and knowledgeable, helped me to understand more about myself and my family
- Being more attentive to my children, Letting them speak more freely about their thoughts and opinions……
- My child and I have more communication. We see eye to eye more.
- I learned so much that will beneficial to me and my children
- I plan to show more affection to children even when correcting them. I will be more aware of signs of possible sexual abuse.
- The class was well taught. The instructor share her own experiences to better teach the class
- We gain skills that we could implement right away
- This class was very informative and enjoyable. I would recommend this course to other parents
- Positive application in dealing with my children.
- Remembering that being in control is not always the answer
- I would like to do another workshop
- Everything was on point
- Material covered was very good. Related to media headlines regarding child abuse. Addressed real live issues in parenting
- They helped me a lot
- I will listen to my child more
- I will love my daughter more and say it more. Do things that make her happy
- Take my time with my grandkids
- Now have confidence with kids
- Praise more. Say I love you more
- Staying awake of my child’s coming and going
- Ability to tolerate better and work closer with my family group
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